Carol Kilby: Evolutionary Storyteller & Ritualist
My Evolutionary Rituals
Earth Day Evolutionary Ritual – The Homing Dance – a body prayer and chant.
The Mirror Dance – an art as meditation exercise on a spiral putting ourselves in the cosmic story.
Dance of Light – a Candle lighting based in the new cosmology
Dance of Cosmic Beatitudes – Reclaiming the ancient form of beatitudes to name the blessing of events in the cosmic story.
Dance of Grace in a Planetary Crisis – reclaiming the word grace for a secular world and a new cosmology.
Dance of Identity – New Years, threshold moments are best commemorated by stepping out of the cultural stories of the Anthropocene age that one might know themselves as part of a vast unfolding universe.
Dance of Cosmic Communion – reclaiming the word communion to better celebrate the deep time story of the Universe.